Icing icing sweet chupa chups soufflé. Pie jelly oat cake jelly beans toffee sugar plum fruitcake danish. Candy canes biscuit brownie donut chocolate marshmallow dragée cake chocolate bar. Cupcake pie bear claw. Candy cake cotton candy chocolate cake toffee. Powder chupa chups cake.
Hi, my name is Jenny O’Neill.
I am a 27 years old German girl living in the USA with my husband, my son and my two furry balls. And if I say furry, I mean furry!
I am excited to share my very first blog post with you guys. I try to get a hang out of this blogging lifestyle.
English is my second language. So please be gentle with me 🙂
I will talk about my photography journey, recent weddings, shooting techniques, behind the scenes but also try to give you as much of my knowledge as I can.
Don’t hesitate to give me feedback!
Award winning wedding & Couples photographer serving San Antonio, Texas